Sunday, June 5, 2016

Vintage Bucilla Quilt Kit: Colonial Acorn

Spending time this morning researching this started vintage quilt kit.

I can identify it as vintage by obvious signs: the look of the paper pattern, the fabric print, the label for the percale backing.

The top panels are printed and numbered for the appliqué pieces. The pieces are all cut.
There are spools of coordinating threads.  The wooden hoop still attached with a needle rusted into the fabric.  I have found  info on vintage Bucilla quilt kits at NovaScotiaQuilts. Still nothing though on this particular pattern.   
   I really like it . I will iron or and inventory all the small acorn and leaf pieces.  I don't have to decide right now whether or not to keep it and finish it or sell it .  It will just be nice to look at it for a while and stitch at least a few acorns.

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